Archive for the ‘Jackie Paulson’ Category

Written Feb 2010 Jackie Paulson personal Testimony

April 27, 2010

NOTE: I am living in a hotel due to the economic hard times of 2010.  It’s not that I am not educated.  I am a 43 year old female, who has 20 years experience in the Barber Industry.  I also received a 2 year degree from Kaplan University in Paralegal May of 2009.  I am a Christian.  I have a spiritual Discernment that only fellow believers would love and appreciate. My entire life (which I downsized) is in a storage unit.  I have a live in boyfriend and both of us couldn’t find jobs after being let go of others jobs..for over six months…thus we got evicted from where we lived and were forced to move out in five days (eviction) notice and gladly left, as we were both unemployed.  The grace of God gave us tax refund to move to my old hometown an hour away to live in this motel.  Today is March 22, 2010.  I was working for an attorney for four weeks temporarily as his secretary went on vacation.  That job just ended and now I am unemployed again,  My boyfriend found a “Security” job but no word on when it will start.  I made enough money to live here until March 8, and pre paid our stay.  I am asking for a miracle, that he work soon and God deliver me and find me a job. 

Back in 2007 I closed my barber shop on May 17, 2007 because as I was going to church, tithing, praying, going to bible study I was able to Discern that I needed to move on.  I just knew.  I knew the economy would get bad back then, I saw this coming.  (Recession/Depression).  I immediately applied for students loans and got approval to attend Online Kaplan University for Paralegal Degree.  I loved this college and the knowledge I learned.  Thus for two years I worked at many different part time jobs as my schedule allowed me to do so.  My boyfriend did not work most of this. 

I had a daughter, whom in Jan of 2008 moved into a relative as I was unable to afford her.  One reason is my ongoing battle to get child support from my ex husband in the state of ILLINOIS.  You ask how he got away with not paying?  WELL, he had a wife, son, house, cars, jobs and guess what a CASH paying job.  He hid from the government, lawyers and me.  Either way, I am in an ongoing battle to collect past due child support and it’s around 70,000.00 as of March 1, 2010. 

I raised my daughter by myself, working as a barber shop owner and did very well.  It’s like as soon as I left MY COMFORT ZONE, being a business owner/in control/ etc, my life took a turn for the worst.  It’s like my 12 years as a business owner doesn’t count in the real world.  Then I get a Paralegal degree and no one will hire me.  (they all want experienced paralegals).  So I did intern for an attorney and learned a lot.  I also took this recent job for four weeks, in probate law for experience.  Well, as I apply Everywhere in Illinois I am not finding anyone contacting me for work.  I am very intelligent and willing to work.  I just do not “get it.”  Oh, yes I am a Christian that explains everything; we are being attacked by Satan.  I know this all too well, but God is more powerful and I know I will go to heaven when I die, no doubt.  I know that our job is to glorify God each day and to witness (save souls).  I love and pray for my enemies and do all the right things.  It just feels like the “wilderness.”  No answer in sight.  Yes, I remember and reminisce all of the times the Lord has provided for me and keep my Faith.  Either way, I want to share my story and get it out there. 

So my story starts in 2010 and goes back.

I became a Christian in Oct 19, 2000.  I was invited to a client’s house for dinner.  I was working at a different barber shop and town and they kindly asked me over.  At that time I was very low.  So, I ended up eating dinner and praying asking the Lord into my life, the “salvation” prayer.  Yes, immediately after I left their house the air seemed different.  I was able to purchase a bible and read and understand it.  I would talk about Jesus to clients and be “on fire” for our Lord.  I have witnessed too many and gotten yelled at and told to stop it.  I knew that I was to “plant seeds’ as God would water them and make then “grow” as my part was done,  Yes, I still do these things. 

To make a long story short, God in those many years healed me and helped me in all of the following:

Death of my real mom (I was five)




Single mom

Child with ADHD

and others.

I am praying now that the Lord gives me a sense of direction: my divine purpose: life mission but that lets me be authentic and ME.  I want a job that I don’t have to be “FAKE” at.  I need God to lead me in the right direction now. 

I hope this is a good testimony as my old one is in my old computer in storage. 

Bless you

Jackie Paulson

Your fellow sister in Christ


Jacqueline Ann Paulson

It’s never too late to realize what is important; to fight for what is Right in your life!

Joel Osteen

April 14, 2010


“Honor and majesty are [found] in His presence; strength and joy are [found] in His sanctuary”
(I Chronicles 16:27, AMP)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

Do you need more strength and joy in your life? The Bible tells us that in God’s presence there is fullness of joy—the most abundant and complete! And when you have His joy, you have His supernatural strength. There’s nothing that can come against you when you are filled with the strength and joy of the Lord.

Notice this verse says that strength and joy are found in His sanctuary. One translation says they are found “where He is.” And do you know “where He is?” His Spirit is alive in every believer, but in His Word He promises that He inhabits, or manifests, in the praises of His people. That means when you begin to praise and worship God, either corporately in a church setting or privately in your personal time, God is there. You are His sanctuary.

Anytime you feel depleted or overwhelmed by life, just begin to sing a song of praise to Him. Declare His goodness and faithfulness. Draw near to Him, and He will draw near to you. He’ll fill you with His joy and strength to live in victory all the days of your life!


Heavenly Father, I bless You today. I thank You for Your goodness in my life. Thank You for filling me with Your strength and joy as I praise and worship You this day. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.





“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it”
(Psalm 118:24, NIV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

It’s easy to come up with excuses to delay our happiness. All the time I hear things like, “As soon as I get out of this problem, Joel, I’ll be happy.” “As soon as I lose ten pounds…as soon as my business grows…as soon as my child straightens up…” No, if you don’t put your foot down and decide to be happy right now, there will always be something to keep you from being happy. Let’s get rid of the excuses and make the decision to enjoy life right now, today.

God never intended for us to put off our happiness. That’s why David said, “This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” He was saying, “This is the day to be happy; not tomorrow, not when the weather clears up. Not next week, when I don’t have to work so hard. Not next month, when I make it through this difficult time.” No, choose to honor the Lord right now by choosing to enjoy your life because this is the day that the Lord has made!


Father God, thank You for this day. Thank You for another opportunity to sing Your praise. I choose to set my mind and heart on You, I choose to rejoice and be glad so that everything I do brings honor to You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


“…weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning”
(Psalm 30:5, NLT)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

The Scripture says in Psalms that joy comes in the morning. When you wake up each morning, God sends you a special delivery of joy. It comes knocking at your door. When you get up in faith and make the declaration that “this is going to be a good day,” do you know what you just did? You just answered the door. You just received the gift of joy that God sent to you. The problem is that some people never answer the door. Joy has been knocking for months and months, years and years saying, “Come on! Let me in! You can be happy! You can cheer up! You can enjoy your life!”

I don’t know about you, but I’ve made up my mind that I’m going to answer the door for joy. I’m going to wake up every morning and say, “Father, thank You for another beautiful day. I’m going to be happy. I’m going to enjoy this day. I’m going to brighten somebody else’s life. I am choosing to receive Your gift of joy, today!”


Heavenly Father, thank You for joy. Thank You for peace. Thank You for walking me through the difficult times. I choose today to answer the door for joy every single morning so that I can walk in the strength You have given to me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

52 Changes to make to make your life better suggestions…

April 14, 2010


For a free list of the 52 tiny changes, send an e-mail to with 52 changes in the subject line. Or come here each week for a new change and some steps to help you along the way.

Tiny Change #1 : Go to bed ½ hour later and wake up ½ later than usual

Tiny Change #2 : Go to your favorite bookstore to pick out a journal and start writing-better yet buy a cheap notebook and write write!

Tiny Change #3 : Read at least _____________ minutes a day

Tiny Change #4 :Organize your junk drawer

Tiny Change #5 :Have a daily quiet time

Tiny Change #6 :Start an exercise program for 15 min. a day

Tiny Change #7 :Get together with a friend at least once a month

Tiny Change #8: Start a Debt Reduction Plan

Tiny Change #9: Write out an evening routine that will prepare you for the next day

Tiny Change #10: Have a family night to play games, eat together, or do something fun as a family

Tiny Change #11: Take the last few minutes of the work day to straighten up and plan for the day ahead

Tiny Change #12: Do a random act of kindness

Tiny Change #13: Begin carrying a bottle of water with you to get your 8 glasses a day

Tiny Change #14:Write birthdays on a calendar, so you can let others know you care for them

Tiny Change #15: Visualize the day you want to have while taking your morning shower

Tiny Change #16: Remember to laugh: rent a comedy, get silly with friends, or read a funny book

Tiny Change #17: Write out a morning routine that includes personal time, household duties and family

Tiny Change #18: Surprise your significant other with a fun date

Tiny Change #19: Do your most important priority at your peak energy time

Tiny Change #20: Enjoy nature- take a hike, sit on the beach, dance in the rain

Tiny Change #21: Whenever you feel yourself getting tense, slow down and breathe

Tiny Change #22: Make a plan to regularly call your parents, grandparents, siblings or others you consider family

Tiny Change #23: Subscribe to a magazine related to your work and schedule time to read it

Tiny Change #24: Forget the mistakes of yesterday, today is too important to miss

Tiny Change #26: Practice really listening to someone

Tiny Change #27: Take two minute breaks during your work day to breathe, walk, look out the window

Tiny Change #28: Sincerely Compliment Others

Tiny Change #29: Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night

Tiny Change #30: Resign from one committee, volunteer post, or duty you don’t really like

Tiny Change #31: Take time for your hobbies at least a few times a month

Tiny Change #32: Play a little every evening

Tiny Change #33: Set up a filing system for your mail: to do, finance, other family members, or to file

Tiny Change #34: Pack a lunch instead of eating fast food

Tiny Change #35: Memorize scripture, an inspirational quote, or a poem to give you a lift during the day

Tiny Change #36: Set up all your appointments for the doctor, dentist, hairstylist, etc.

Tiny Change #37: Plan to leave 10 minutes early for all your appointments

Tiny Change #38: Take a big vacation once a year, and mini weekend vacations throughout the year-even if you are just staying home

Tiny Change #39: Go through your clothes and give away what you don’t need, want or fit into

Tiny Change #40: Make sure your work chair and desk are ergonomically correct

Tiny Change #41: Quit lying and making excuses to yourself

Tiny Change # 42: Stretch daily

Tiny Change # 43: When someone asks you how you are doing say, “Fantastic”, not “Really busy.”

Tiny Change # 44: Focus attention on a special person, really connect with them

Tiny Change # 45: Ask someone for help

Tiny Change # 46: Nurture a child

Tiny Change # 47: Make a list of 100 things you are thankful for

Tiny Change # 48: Write a letter of appreciation to your significant other or a friend

Tiny Change # 49: Do one thing you have been procrastinating about

Tiny Change # 50: Take time each evening to let go and to forgive

Tiny Change # 51: Use music to energize you or relax you

Tiny Change # 52: Focus on one project to complete this week

My personal web pages, blogs, etc. 2010

April 14, 2010

We are our own ancestors

April 14, 2010

Looking at things from a higher level, we live in a body for a while, than discard it, only to take on or inhabit another body again when the time is right. We do this over and over for the purpose of experiencing all that we can. We get ourselves into tight places, and then find our way out. We are the good guys until that gets boring enough, then we are the bad guys until we learn our lessons there. And on and on it goes.

When we are able to see the larger picture, we discover that we are incarnating into body after body, lifetime after lifetime, and from this perspective, we leave a legacy to ourselves. When we do something to make this world a better place for our children or for future generations, we are really making it a better place for ourselves. Indeed, we are the ones who come back, time and time again, to harvest the fruits of our own labors.

At Its purest Essence, the Being, or Entity, or Spirit (or whatever you’d like to call It) that resides inside your body is the same Spirit that resides in everybody else’s body. Outwardly, we have different identities, different preferences, different physical characteristics, different formative programming, different cultural influences, different astrological configurations, different genetics, different strengths and weaknesses, different you name it, but one thing we all have in common is the core template we start out with. At the center of our Beings, we are the same, and in some mysterious way, a connection, which is typically kept hidden from us, exists between the Being inside our body and the Beings inside every other body we see. Just as one drop of water is part of the whole ocean, so is one person’s Spirit part of a much larger, vaster, collective Spirit that is made up of all Spirits. When our differences are put aside, and our connections to each other are brought to light, we see ourself in everyone else. We know that we are One, and that the good works we leave as a legacy for others is really a legacy we are leaving to yourself.

Know this and be comforted: We purposely do not tell you who we are or where we come from. Our experience has taught us that if we do, some of you will tune us out, even though we are on the same team. We will tell you that we stand strong for the Highest Good, just like you, and that we have met, face to face, with you on many occasions that you do not presently remember. You are one of us and we take good care of our own. We agreed, long ago to come here to Earth in this place and time to make life better for all and everyone. Soon you will see, as you begin to integrate The Code into your life, that it feels familiar to you. That’s because it’s a reminder you left to yourself.

My Intention for today is:
I Intend that I am remembering who I really am.


4/13/2010 Intentions

April 14, 2010



Know this and be comforted: We purposely do not tell you who we are or where we come from. Our experience has taught us that if we do, some of you will tune us out, even though we are on the same team. We will tell you that we stand strong for the Highest Good, just like you, and that we have met, face to face, with you on many occasions that you do not presently remember. You are one of us and we take good care of our own. We agreed, long ago to come here to Earth in this place and time to make life better for all and everyone. Soon you will see, as you begin to integrate The Code into your life, that it feels familiar to you. That’s because it’s a reminder you left to yourself.

My Intention for today is:
I Intend that I am remembering who I really am

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April 2, 2010
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All About Jackie Paulson

March 24, 2010

Jackie Paulson is a qualified Paralegal and holds a two year degree from Kaplan University in Chicago, Illinois as a Paralegal.

Jackie Paulson is no stranger to Cosmetology, having spent 12 years as a Barber and a Entrepreneur, which taught her the importance of customer service.

Jackie Paulson has more than 20 years of the Hair Care Industry and experience in Management.

Jackie Paulson helps disorganized clients manage their time, energy, money and environment. 

Jackie Paulson areas of experience in her personal life with:

I am a natural leader, manager, coordinator, mediator, organizer, cleaner, analytical, knowledgeable on many topics, reads, writer, blogger, research, paralegal, law, Christian , resale and thrift store guru, natural remedies, natural cleaning agents, storage ideas, fast learner, self starter, do-er, “actions speak louder than words”, cats, acne, yeast infections, charismas fanatic, death of mother as a child, divorce, single mom, bankruptcy, child support issues with ex, resourceful, helpful, pay it forward, giver, thankful, prayer works, interior decorator, creative ideas, ADHD kids, Teens, codependency, recovered alcoholic, sales, customer service, justice.

Hello world!

July 15, 2009

Welcome to